Friday, May 27, 2011

Marathon Cupcakes

Marathon Cupcakes

This week was the wind-up for my running group. This group has been unreal. Everyone got along so well and always made me feel so welcome, even though I wasn't able to continue on with full marathon training.

Bill was our clinic instructor and he was amazing. He went well above and beyond, even hosting a breakfast and a wine and cheese potluck at his own house!

For the potluck I decided to bring some cupcakes, of course!

I started with beautiful lemon cupcakes and filled them with delicious fresh lemon curd (forgot to take a photo).
Then I frosted them with a light purple vanilla buttercream.

Then I made some tiny little medals based on the medals from the Fargo Marathon.

And these are the little cuties that I brought to the party :)

I wish I would have taken a photo of all the amazing food that people brought. It was an awesome way to wrap up a great running season.

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